“The Search for a Lost Title: How One Man Found His Way Back to His Old Motorcycle”

May 29, 2023

When he was just 15 years old, Dr. David Hwang had a dream: to own a motorcycle. It was a simple ambition, but one that seemed almost unattainable for a young man from the suburbs of Los Angeles. But when he saw an advertisement for a used Honda CB-750 in the classifieds, he knew it was meant to be.

He scraped together enough money and bought the bike, and it quickly became an extension of himself—the first thing he reached for when he wanted to go somewhere. But after two years of riding and tinkering with it, Dr. Hwang had to part ways. He sold the motorcycle to a friend in order to fund his college tuition.

For the next 25 years, Dr. Hwang thought about that motorcycle every day. He dreamed of finding it again and being reunited with the beloved Honda that had been such an integral part of his life. But as time went on, it seemed like an impossible task—he had no idea where the bike had ended up or even if it still existed.

But then, after decades of searching, Dr. Hwang finally got his chance. Through a combination of luck, determination, and some good old-fashioned detective work, he located his beloved Honda and was able to purchase it back from its current owner.

The reunion was emotional for both Dr. Hwang and his old motorcycle. After all those years apart, they were finally back together again—the same bike that had given him so much joy in his youth now ready to do the same in his older age.

But this wasn’t just a happy story about two friends reuniting—it was also a lesson about never giving up on your dreams, no matter how far away they may seem at the time. Dr. Hwang never stopped searching for his lost Honda CB-750; instead, he kept pursuing it until he found it again—proving that if you have enough determination and faith, anything is possible.

Dr. Hwang’s story is one of perseverance and hope—a reminder that if you never give up on something you believe in, you can make any dream come true. And while his journey wasn’t easy and took over 25 years to complete, it serves as an inspiring example that anything can happen when you stay true to yourself and your passions—no matter how long ago they may have been forgotten.

Get your Lost Title back!