How I Found My Lost Title for My Restoration Car Project: A Journey of Rediscovery

Feb 17, 2023

Recovering a Title for an Old Car or Truck

When I was a kid, I was always tinkering with cars in my spare time. Whether it was fixing a flat tire or changing the oil, I found something satisfying about being able to work on a car and bring it back to life. As I got older, I started dreaming of restoring an old car to its original glory, but I had no idea where to start.

I knew the basics of car restoration, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon a classic car show that I truly began to understand the passion behind this hobby. It was here that I saw people who had taken their time and effort to bring these once forgotten vehicles back to life. It was a beautiful sight, and it gave me the inspiration to start my own project.

However, before I could begin, I had one major problem: I didn’t have a clear title for the car. Without the title, there was no way for me to legally purchase and restore the vehicle. After hours of searching online and visiting junkyards, I still hadn’t been able to find a title for my project car.

Then one day, while browsing through classifieds ads in search of parts for my car, something caught my eye: an advertisement for an auto restoration service that claimed they could help me find lost titles. Intrigued, I decided to give them a call and see what they could do for me.

After speaking with them over the phone and providing them with some basic information about my project car, they were able to locate the title within a matter of days! They even provided me with all the necessary paperwork required by my state in order to register the car in my name.

It felt so surreal having finally found what seemed like an impossible task – finding the title for my lost car! Now that I had the title in hand, all that was left was to begin working on restoring it. With newfound enthusiasm and determination, I set out on my journey of rediscovery – bringing an old classic back from the dead!

First things first – sourcing parts! This proved far more difficult than expected as many of the original parts were long gone or no longer available. Nevertheless, after weeks of scouring swap meets and junkyards around town, I managed to piece together most of what was needed.

Next came body work – something that would take months of trial and error before getting it right. With patience and hard work (not to mention lots of sanding and painting) what once looked like a pile of rust eventually began resembling something recognizable as an old classic car again!

Finally after about two years of effort (and more than few setbacks), my project car was finished! It’s been almost five years since then and now whenever I take her out for a drive down memory lane (or just around town) people can’t help but stop and admire her beauty – something that fills me with pride every single time!

The experience of restoring this classic vehicle has taught me so much about myself as well as this hobby that has become such a big part of my life today. Never did I think it would be possible to find such joy in rebuilding something from nothing – discovering how deep this passion truly runs within me has been an amazing journey indeed!

Get your Lost Title back!